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The centrality of personalism

The New Evangelization for the third millennium

e-Publisher 7.0

GlobalIntegral Values Principles
GlobalIntegral Values



Grounded in the expansive charity of the New Evangelization, GlobalIntegral is guided in particular by:

-taking into account global cultural diversity integrating any contextual situation to promote solidarity, the common good and integral human development

-the irrevocable inviolability of the dignity of the human person, whatever it may be

-the integral promotion of the human person with his vocation to transcendence and the human rights of all

-the defense of human life from conception to natural death with a global approach to bioethics

-integral ecology that cares for the common home of all members of the human family

-the preservation and safeguard of creation

-the preferential option for the poor and vulnerable

​-the global education pact

-the inculturation of the Gospel

-integral spiritual theology and anthropology



For GlobalIntegral, the inalienable right of every human person to hear, everywhere without any discrimination, the proclamation of the Good News of the integral Gospel given to humanity by divine mercy, is based on cultural diversity which enriches unity of the Catholic Church and demonstrates its catholicity.

Nowadays, the New Evangelization, a universal expression consisting in going beyond the geographical dimension traditionally linked to the concept of mission country, proclaims the risen Christ by the elaboration of varied, ingenious, credible formulas, adaptable to all contexts, whatever they may be are, and who are inclined to inculturate themselves in the multiple anthropological strata of the culture of globalization.

GlobalIntegral Principles
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